On a cold, rainy Dublin night, the warm environs of The Sound House and the comforting vibes of Carron are a welcome respite from the miserable weather outside.
I hadn’t heard of Carron before the gig, so I wasn’t quite sure what to expect and what I got was a band in that exciting part of their career where they’re still experimenting and finding their sound. Songs range from indie-folk to pounding drums to indie-rock that wouldn’t be out of place in 00’s Other Voices. There’s a clear progression in sound throughout the set, from their earlier, slightly shaky tracks to the more professionally produced new single Right Time.
Songs range in topic from the relationship between the two sisters (Maebh and Mella) to their mother’s loss at her son moving abroad to Australia.

Some of their songs have already outgrown the relatively modest surrounds of The Sound House and they’re definitely set to become a feature of the festival circuit.