Review: Dotts O’Connor – Coney EP

A few weeks ago, we featured Dotts’ first single release, What If, now the Boyle, Co. Roscommon guitarist, singer and songwriter has released an EP of 5 new tracks. A veteran guitarist and vocalist touring with Electro-Folk outfit Come on Live Long since 2010 and recently Dirty Dreamer, Dotts has produced a mature, mellow soundscape of complex melodies and reflective lyrics.

The well developed guitar and vocals provide a rich, consistent foundation around which a variety of accompaniments, from harp to synth compliment styles ranging from the country ballad title track “Coney”, to the anthemic indie denouement, “You’re the Proof”, which is reminiscent of the Stone Roses best. Weaving these styles together cohesively, Dotts deftly escorts the listener through stories and soundscapes rich with emotion, experience and the bonds between people.

The vocals, a warm baritone and proudly West of Ireland flavoured, mixing metaphor with matter of fact paint scenes and sincere emotional beats over silky, bittersweet melodies. The effect is entrancing. “Soon We Rise” evokes the unmistakable twilight air before dawn, a couple slouching home together in the small hours, reconciled from a fight (or was it the despair of a missed curry chip order?), while “October Night” reinvigorates and uplifts with unburdened sweetness.

This EP is a refreshing tonic, airy and deep – playful and yet sombre and mature. We look forward to seeing Dotts live in the near future, and we’ll be sure to keep you updated.

Coney EP is available to purchase on Bandcamp now!


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