My 24 hours at London Fashion Week

This was my second time attending London Fashion Week which included missing my first show because of crazy traffic, having to camp in the airport on the way back and being told at one event to ‘queue, but make it fashion.

The highlight of my trip had to be the mini Ukrainian Fashion Week hosted by UA in UK and featured five incredible Ukrainian designers.

GALUSHKO by Anastasiia Halushko

The revival of high fashion of past centuries,
inclusiveness, naturalness, traditions, other life – all this
combines and reveals the motives of the brand.That is
why the GALUSHKO brand is a steady appeal to the past,
a fusion of the natural and a rethinking of the future.
Complexity of forms and constructions, variety of
textures, use of recycled natural materials, draping,
reflection of the main ideology of the brand. The main
attention is paid to hand embroidery with the use of
vintage materials, namely buttons, which act as iconic
elements when creating a collection.
The philosophy of the brand is the different boundaries
between the old and the new, to create a unique, unrepeatable design!


Slanovskiy is a well-known brand of wedding and
occasional dresses, for self-confident women, for those
who follow new trends, but clearly know their style.
Slanovskiy collections annually participate in
international exhibitions, beauty contests and fashion
festivals. In 2020 the brand received the title “The best
brand of wedding and evening dresses in 2020″.
Slanovskiy dresses are sold and popular in Europe,
America and the Middle East.


Mandyradzhy is a young Ukrainian brand based in
London. It’s design aesthetic is rooted in minimalism
using deconstruction elements. The brand is characterized
by clean lines, the use of unique techniques and
materials, attention to detail that brings a sense.


The Ukrainian brand EGO SUM was born only
recently, but it has already captured the hearts of many
Ukrainian women. The brand is about a woman who can
combine inner harmony with external appearance.
Strong, self-sufficient, intelligent, refined, conscious. She
says “I am”. She says “Ego SUM”.

Jean Gritsfeldt

Jean Gritsfeldt was founded in 2012 by the enigmatic
fashion designer, Ievgen Gritsfeldt himself in Kyiv. Driven
by a passion for pushing the boundaries of fashion,
Gritsfeldt envisioned a brand that would challenge
conventions, ignite imaginations, and redefine what it
means to be stylish.

With this vision in mind, he
embarked on a journey that would transform the world of fashion forever

We are committed to fostering a community of
individuals who are passionate about self-expression and
personal growth. Through our fashion line and
empowering message, we aim to help individuals break
free from conformity and stand out from the crowd,
unleashing their full potential and living their best lives.