Where do you even begin trying to unravel an idea as big as motherhood?
Each and every mother has her own understanding of what motherhood entails, and often these preconceived ideas falter and fail during those intense, exhausting and more often than not – overwhelming – hours spent taking care of our little ones. It is at these moments that we begin to doubt our abilities and wonder, are we doing everything right?
In her debut book, Irish journalist and mum of two, Geraldine Walsh, aims to unravel this very topic, in pages that have been created from her own varying experiences as a mum and her understanding of the complexities of mental well-being that go along with that role.
‘Unraveling Motherhood’ offers real insights on maternal mental health, identity and vulnerability, stitched together by words that will touch every mother in some way.
Geraldine has created an honest, reflective and relatable book and one that seeks to guide all mothers towards a world where they will no longer doubt themselves.
Drawn from real-life experiences, ‘Unraveling Motherhood’ provides much-needed support for anyone navigating this beautiful, wonderful, terrifying stage of their life.
The book finds a balance between personal experiences, trustworthy research and workable techniques that will leave readers feeling validated, inspired and seen.

Speaking about her new book, Geraldine said:
“Motherhood, and writing this book, has been a journey of self-discovery for me, encouraged in no small part by the anxiety motherhood afforded me.
But this unraveling as I listened to my thoughts, emotions, reasoning’s, wants, needs, desires, helped me to understand what it means to feel complete as a mother and a person.”
In writing this book, Geraldine’s aim was to encourage mothers to challenge the assumptions and beliefs they have about motherhood, about themselves, and find meaningful perspectives in their lives as a mother.
To unravel. To stitch back up. And possibly unravel a little again.
“I have learned that motherhood is wonderfully conflicting and all-encompassing but we can write the pattern of our own motherhood.”
‘Unraveling Motherhood’ is available in March 2023 from a bookstore near you.