Kildare and Dublin Come out to Celebrate as Lawlor’s of Naas Launch Vi’s Restaurant
Locally Sourced and Homegrown Ingredients that Combine the Flavours of Land Sea with Seasonal Menus and a Vast Range of Wines from Lady Vi’s Vault
Lawlor’s of Naas officially launched Vi’s Bar and Restaurant.

Vi’s, named after the famed Violette Lawlor, is one of the most promising new additions to the four star hotel following the recent extension by owner Jack Tierney.
The restaurant boasts a dramatic cone-shaped ceiling-height bar as its centrepiece, custom made for Lawlor’s.
Vi’s aims to deliver a high standard of dining within an elegant yet eccentric setting with the iconic round bar at its centre, alongside an expansive outdoor terrace just in time for the summer.

The interior of Vi’s is an eclectic mix of pieces from all over the world.
Guests entered the restaurant through large, brass doors taken from a cash desk in Las Vegas, and enjoy a Lady Vi’s cocktail while seated on a chair from a casino in Monte Carlo with views of a stunning stained-glass window from a chapel in Nevada.
Guests enjoyed a specially designed menu that was sure to delight all including the Lawlor’s of Naas signature steak on the stone and a new addition, the legendary Mrs Lawlor’s Trifle.
This local recipe will be unique to the Lawlor’s menu, and a guaranteed culinary staple for any visit.

As an addition to Vi’s Restaurant, the new extension also includes The Linen Room; a delightful semi-private dining space overlooking Vi’s Restaurant, hosting another timeless interior with seating for 30 guests.
The Linen Room was originally the boardroom of a Linen Mill in Scotland and is now an extension of Vi’s.