Polestar Ireland : Accelerating Change for LauraLynn

Polestar, the Swedish electric performance car brand, is delighted to support LauraLynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice.

Market Lead for Polestar in Ireland. Kieran Campbell is running the Wicklow Way, a 127km ultramarathon from the village of Clonegal in County Carlow through the Wicklow Hills to Marlay Park on the outskirts of Dublin City starting today on June 23rd to raise vital funds for the charity.

Kieran who is driving fundraising for this exceptional charity and said;

‘“I am aiming to raise €12,700, €100 for every km of the run. My Polestar colleagues will join me along the route to keep me motivated, so it’s a team effort’.

Polestar are determined to improve society by making a difference in the community. This latest fundraising activity exemplifies this dedication as a vibrant community initiative. Polestar takes the extra step of actively seeking to bring about positive change. Polestar have a genuine desire to make a difference, and this is reflected in its involvement and engagement with the community.

“At Polestar, we don’t support companies. We support based on shared core values and LauraLynn, Ireland’s only children’s hospice felt like a great fit not only as by location we’re neighbours but due to the outstanding work they do” says Kieran Campbell, Market Lead for Polestar in Ireland. 

LauraLynn provide specialised hospice care to children with life limiting conditions and their families from all across Ireland. They care for the whole family, allowing patients to be children and parents to be parents rather than full time carers. Polestar has pledged to raise vital funds for LauraLynn by designing and participating in innovative, sustainability focused fundraising activities.

LauraLynn CEO, Kerry McLaverty, commented:

“We would like to extend a huge heartfelt thank you to Kieran Campbell and all the Polestar Automotive team for selecting LauraLynn as their chosen charity for their upcoming Wicklow Way 127kms Ultra Marathon. LauraLynn care for children with life-limiting conditions whilst also supporting their entire family. LauraLynn rely heavily on fundraised income to fund its hospice services, we are so grateful to be selected for this fundraiser. Best of luck to Kieran and the Polestar Automotive team for their upcoming challenge on June 23rd.”

To support please donate here – https://www.idonate.ie/fundraiser/PolestarAutomotiveIreland

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